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john the baptist 【宗教】施洗的約翰。


[ bbe ] and king herod had news of him , because his name was on the lips of all ; and he said , john the baptist has come back from the dead , and for this reason these powers are working in him 耶穌的名聲傳揚出來希律王聽見了、就說、施洗的約翰從死里復活了、所以這些異能由他里面發出來。

Mt . 11 : 11 truly i say to you , among those born of women there has not arisen one greater than john the baptist , yet he who is least in the kingdom of the heavens is greater than he 太十一11我實在告訴你們,婦人所生的,沒有一個興起來大過施浸者約翰的;然而在諸天的國里最小的比他還大。

[ kjv ] and king herod heard of him ; ( for his name was spread abroad : ) and he said , that john the baptist was risen from the dead , and therefore mighty works do shew forth themselves in him 耶穌的名聲傳揚出來希律王聽見了、就說、施洗的約翰從死里復活了、所以這些異能由他里面發出來。

St . john the baptist said that , “ it s no doubt i baptize by water but the one who will come after me who s greater , he will baptize by the holy fire or by the holy spirit . 施洗者約翰說過:現在我是用水給你們施洗,但是,在我以后來的那一位,比我偉大,他會用圣火和圣靈給你們施洗。

Verily i say unto you , among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than john the baptist : notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he 我實在告訴你們、凡婦人所生的、沒有一個興起來大過施洗約翰的然而天國里最小的、比他還大。

And king herod heard of him ; ( for his name was spread abroad : ) and he said , that john the baptist was risen from the dead , and therefore mighty works do shew forth themselves in him 耶穌的名聲傳揚出來希律王聽見了、就說、施洗的約翰從死里復活了、所以這些異能由他里面發出來。

Amen i say to you , there hath not risen among them that are born of women a greater than john the baptist : yet he that is the lesser in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he 11我實在告訴你們:在婦女所生者中,沒有興起一位比洗者若翰更大的;但在天國里最小的,也比他大。

The apostles replied , “ some people think you re jeremiah , some people think you re elijah , some people think you re john the baptist , and others think you are a prophet . 使徒們說:有人以為你是耶利米,有人說你是以利亞,有人認為你是施洗約翰,也有人說你是一位先知。

11 i tell you the truth : among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than john the baptist ; yet he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he 11我實在告訴你們,凡婦人所生的,沒有一個興起來大過施洗約翰的;然而天國里最小的比他還大。

Conservatives who come from amillennial or preterist positions would probably see john the baptist as a fulfillment of this expectation , in the time of jesus 來自千禧年說和認為《啟示錄》的預言已實現的保守派很可能會把施洗約翰看成是在耶穌一生中,實行這種期待。

Mt . 14 : 2 and he said to his servants , this is john the baptist ; he has been raised from the dead , and because of this these works of power are operating through him 太十四2就對臣仆說,這是施浸者約翰從死人中復活了,所以這些異能發顯在他身上。

Lk . 9 : 19 and they answered and said , john the baptist , and others elijah , and others that a certain prophet of the ancients has risen up 路九19他們回答說,有人說,是施浸者約翰,另有人說,是伊萊賈,還有人說,是古時的一位申言者又活了。

One is an alternative version of da vivci ' s famors painting known sa virgin of the rocks , with the infant jesus and the infant john the baptist 其中一副是著名畫作《巖間圣母》的又一版本,華中的人物有圣嬰耶穌和圣嬰施洗約翰。

And she came in straightway with haste unto the king , and asked , saying , i will that thou give me by and by in a charger the head of john the baptist 可6 : 25他就急忙進去見王、求他說、我愿王立時把施洗約翰的頭、放在盤子里給我。

One is an alternative version of da vinci ' s famous painting known as virgin of the rocks , with the infant jesus and the infant john the baptist 其中一幅是著名畫作《巖間圣母》的又一版本,畫中的人物有圣嬰耶穌和圣嬰施洗約翰。

One is an alternative version of da vinci ' s famous painting known as virgin of the rocks , with the infant jesus and the infant john the baptist 其中一幅是著名畫作巖間圣母的又一版本,畫中的人物有圣嬰耶穌和圣嬰施洗約翰。

They replied , “ some say john the baptist ; others say elijah ; and still others , that one of the prophets of long ago has come back to life . 19他們說,有人說是施洗的約翰。有人說是以利亞。還有人說,是古時的一個先知又活了。

Should a compassionate master , all loving , all godlike , have laughed or been like a stone , indifferent to a best friend like john the baptist 難道一個慈悲為懷充滿愛心完全像上帝一樣的明師,應該笑嗎?或應該像一塊石頭?

[ kjv ] and said unto his servants , this is john the baptist ; he is risen from the dead ; and therefore mighty works do shew forth themselves in him 就對臣仆說、這是施洗的約翰從死里復活、所以這些異能從他里面發出來。